Saturday 22 January 2011

Power Children's Plastic Urban Cricket Set's solid gold running tips # 2

Distractions. There's nothing more boring than running so you often have to find ways of occupying your thoughts, especially in the early stages before the really digging in begins. I used to go through the plot lines from ER or write jokes such as this one:

Did you hear about the untimely death of the upholsterer?

He had unfurnished business.

Whilst in considerable pain, the thoughts that go through your head can be surprisingly banal. Like remembering that you have to go to bank. This is a good thing. The more your brain thinks about boring things, the better your body can concentrate on running.

Thoughts aside, the finely toned backside of a runner of the opposite sex can do wonders for your focus. Objectifying attractive people can slash minutes off your PB. Just ask Seb Coe. No wait, don't. He'll be too busy with 2012 and all that.

Music is a popular distraction technique but it can get you run over. I'm of the opinion that all this headphone wearing in the public sphere is damaging to society, but that's another thing all together.

So yeah: Rumination and arse. They're my running tips for today.

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