Sunday 16 January 2011

Fiction - Big Things

The main medium I use for discovery of new music is the radio, mostly because I'm a lazy, passive consumer - It's hypodermic needle model stuff, I just sit there listening to the radio nodding in agreement.

This is one doing the rounds on 6Music at the moment. It has a great groove and it just rolls by. It's an unassuming groove, and has the understated air of a laid back demo take. Like a good funk record, it's a track where the constituent parts make a much greater whole (!? Rewrite: 'Like all music ever,..'). Each individual instrument is as clear as a bell and the overall effect is bright and not at all muddied. I like to be able to aurally pick apart a track like that. Like the work of Dungen (another radio discovery), the vocals are the worst bit. I would happily listen to it without them.

Also it sounds like exactly the kind of music I imagine myself making. Particularly the guitar line that comes in with the drums at approx 1.29. If this sounds like an odd thing to say then I guess it is.

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