Saturday 18 July 2009

embroiled in a blog embargo

My computer full on broke. After nearly 3 years of loyal service(barring a period during Winter 07 where it was on loan at Featherstone Rovers)we have parted company.
THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. The appearance of this screen every time the machine starts up has led me to believe that the beautiful dream is over. The only real solace being the above title. Though having said that the more i look at it and say it, the more it sounds like trying to take a dump on a humid canal boat. Maybe it's because blog sounds a bit like 'bog'. And also 'log' as well come to think of it, though thats a bit of tasteless image. Though the whole idea of having a shit on a sweaty ship is an entirely tasteless image. But you don't really taste images anyway, you look at them. Look, observe, analyse. You could lick photos i guess, that could be a thing. Maybe taste a bit chemically. I wouldn't know, i've never done it. I never been on a plane either, but then again going on a plane is an all together more rational human experience. Talking of human experience I went to the bank today to consolidate my accounts and after an hour and twenty minutes i left with three extraneous new ones. How about them England eh? Cricket etc. blah blah blah. I'm going to label this post with scooters, holidays AND autumn. And there ain't nothing you can do about it.

Yeah my laptop died so I may never make another meaningful post ever again.

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