Monday 13 August 2012


"Have you ever been to Corp?"

"Yes, I went once but it was horrendous so I never went again"

The above is an entirely fictitious conversation. It never took place.

Corporation (known locally, affectionately or otherwise, as 'Corp') is a nightclub/cesspit in Sheffield. It's grubby but people are drawn back week after week.
Like most clubs it is basically a series of dark rooms of varying sizes. Unlike most clubs Corp fails to embellish on this basic principle. There is no theme, unless 'sweat, stains and spillages' is a theme. It is essentially a 'rock' club (whatever the hell that means), but due to the cheap vodka it attracts a mixed bunch.
Occasionally they do up the toilets, on last inspection it was an odd mix of faux-marble and plywood, but nothing really changes. There's still pools of vomit to dodge and there's always some unfortunate fellow passed out in the cubicle, door open, trousers round his ankles by half 10.
It's horrible but it's continuing filthiness is comforting. We have always said it is the quintessential Sheffield night out. It represents the city well. the old adage goes:

Come to Corp (but do not wear your good shoes).

This is fucking terrible

However, Graeme Garden has one hell of a look going on there. It's where I see myself in 5 years time (though the 'G' dungarees might be a step too far).